Welcome Back

I’d like to share some good news! I am re-opening my Shiatsu practice and this is my new Shiatsu room. It feels so nice to invite people to a special room in my home. Each day I am tweaking the room, adding or removing or repositioning–one of my fav things to do! You’ll find plants, beautiful textiles, a cozy massage table and, of course, Mighty Mirth and me.

Most people I talk to these days feel we are living in exceptionally tumultuous times and since Shiatsu is perfect for those rocky moments or days, I decided to take the leap and hang my Shiatsu shingle out again.

If you haven’t experienced Shiatsu, my touch is firm to gentle, chosen by you, along the acupuncture meridians to help balance, calm, restore your energy flow. Shiatsu is received fully clothed and you wear loose, comfortable clothing. If you are thinking about when to come, Shiatsu is most wonderful if you give yourself the gift of unscheduled time after your session when ‘should’s’ are not allowed to enter.

To keep everyone healthy, I will be wearing a KN95 and am asking Shiatsu-ee’s to join me in masking, When I bravely invited an old friend and client to a session I expected her to be disappointed about the masking but her response was: “Annemarie, I would wear a hazmat suit to see you!” That was a good laugh and a happy one for me!!  If you do not have a good mask (vs surgical), I will have extras for a small charge to cover costs and I will have the option of fun masks that can be accessorized.

If you have any questions about my work or how I might support you in your life right now, let’s talk and see what we create.

Until then~~peace, love and mirth~~


About HaraHarmony

Who am I? My name is Annemarie Marti and I have been practicing Shiatsu Therapy since 1987. During that time, my work has been enriched by meeting and working with many, many wonderful people. This work has allowed me many insights and perspectives on Shiatsu, healing, growing, self-expression and our relationship to our body and our planet which I now will begin to share in the Hara Harmony blog. The notion of being a healer came to me while I was in college and reading books about indigenous healing practices. In the mid-1970s I did not have a vision for how to pursue such a path and turned my desire to heal to our planet. It was not until the late 1980s that I found a way back, through Shiatsu, to my original desire to heal our bodies. As my journey with Shiatsu evolved, I began to see that there was a connection between healing our planet and creating vibrant health for our own bodies. The style of bodywork that I practice is called Shiatsu. Shiatsu is an Asian style of bodywork that evolved from the perspectives and teachings of Chinese acupuncture. Acupuncture brings to the process of healing, the concept of balancing, smoothing and rejuvenating the energies in our living, Human body. Shiatsu uses touch, no needles, to contact and move these energies called ‘chi’. In moving the chi, a Shiatsu therapist is able to help muscles to relax, the mind to quiet and well-being to return. My touch is firm to gentle~~you choose! We work together to create a great session for you where you feel refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated. If you would like more information about Shiatsu or my practice of Shiatsu, please email me at: Annemarie@haraharmony.com
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